Using the API
Welcome to the Zod.TV - Transcoder API!
- The offchain endpoint is
- The NEAR mainnet contract is zodtv.near
- The NEAR mainnet token contract is zod.near
Making a GUEST Account
When you visit you automatically get a guest account created with an offchain ZOD balance.
Your guest account works just as a regular account, there are no technical limitations.
Making a NEAR Account
You can create a NEAR Account at
Make sure to backup your secret mnemonic phrase.
Using the Authorization header
Authorization: Zod58 $OFFCHAIN_TOKEN
To authenticate offchain with ZOD you need to visit and scrolldown to fetch your offchain token.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Zod58 LAB6MFqa2M2H5FTif8Zuo1Y8EortVGpNfyQuyoET9Ea9QQLgADQJWFNZr1CSuMSkskE4s5TMVzRK6wcCwU92AaMT9maZGwvvArwtBReb6sFoVk4fEub9CGTNnRpZsTqT9RVFoRcvURg2H96T7iCdapxxjTQzZCdUjRswG5nf65PAjapZHPbuPADdD9XmvHkgJXRUVzzWWiw8E6DyiVyJGdNkWDCZLBuB95RzrDyg1r9c5s4meJsR7RDDmXtmA9TmSMGgmFiJt7RuGMJYW7ckEgutn2AP35htqKNBgj59JMYPUpisqn" \
-X POST -d @- << EOF
"source": "",
"outputs": [
{"target": "", "codec": "h264", "format": "mp4", "width": 720},
{"target": "", "codec": "h264", "format": "mp4", "width": 480}
Create a new job.
Parameter | Type | Description |
source | String (Manditory) | Source video file (s3://, https://, http://) |
outputs | List (Manditory) | List of outputs |
Note s3 protocol uses the S3 REST Authentication
S3 auth URL example for GCP is s3://${s3public}:${s3secret}
You need to create interoperability access key on GCP,;tab=interoperability.
Every S3 provider has a different way to do this.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
target | String (Manditory) | Upload location of output (s3://, https://, http://) | |
type | String | none | Custom type (vrpreview_180, vrpreview_360) |
codec | String | as_source | [h264, hevc] |
pixel_format | String | as_source | Default gotten from source ( |
format | String | as_source | Default gotten from source |
width | Integer | as_source | Can be "?" or -1 to auto scale |
height | Integer | as_source | Can be "?" or -1 to auto scale |
offset | TimeString | 00:00:00.000 | Must be format "00:00:00.000" |
duration | TimeString | as_source | Must be format "00:00:00.000" |
bitrate | Integer | as_source | Bitrate in bits per second |
audio_codec | String | as_source | Only "aac" is supported |
audio_bitrate | Integer | as_source | Audio Bitrate in bits per second |
Extra Parameters (vrpreview_180, vrpreview_360)
Parameter | Type | Description |
segments | Integer (Manditory) | Amount of segments to slice video into |
segment_duration | Integer (Manditory) | Duration of each segment in seconds |
Name | Type | Description |
error | String | The result of operation |
uuid | String | The uuid of the created job |
Error Codes
Error | Description |
no_source | Source was not supplied |
unsupported_source_protocol | Source protocol is not supported (Join Discord for help) |
no_outputs | You did not specify any outputs |
no_output_target | One of your outputs did not have a target |
unsupported_output_protocol | Output protocol is not supported (Join Discord for help) |
unsupported_type | Custom job type is unsupported |
unsupported_output_codec | Output codec is invalid (must be h264 or hevc) |
unsupported_output_format | Output format is invalid |
invalid_output_width | Output width was invalid, it must be an integer or "?" or -1 |
invalid_output_height | Output height was invalid, it must be an integer or "?" or -1 |
invalid_output_offset | Output offset was invalid, it must be a timestring 00:00:00.000 |
invalid_output_duration | Output duration was invalid, it must be a timestring 00:00:00.000 |
invalid_output_bitrate | Output bitrate was not an integer |
audio_codec_only_aac_supported | Temporary error, audio is only AAC |
unsupported_output_audio_codec | Output audio codec is not supported |
invalid_output_audio_bitrate | Output audio bitrate was not an integer |
Same parameters as job_new_transcode, but does not submit the job, it only checks if the template is valid.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Zod58 LAB6MFqa2M2H5FTif8Zuo1Y8EortVGpNfyQuyoET9Ea9QQLgADQJWFNZr1CSuMSkskE4s5TMVzRK6wcCwU92AaMT9maZGwvvArwtBReb6sFoVk4fEub9CGTNnRpZsTqT9RVFoRcvURg2H96T7iCdapxxjTQzZCdUjRswG5nf65PAjapZHPbuPADdD9XmvHkgJXRUVzzWWiw8E6DyiVyJGdNkWDCZLBuB95RzrDyg1r9c5s4meJsR7RDDmXtmA9TmSMGgmFiJt7RuGMJYW7ckEgutn2AP35htqKNBgj59JMYPUpisqn" \
-X POST -d @- << EOF
"source": "",
"outputs": [
{"target": "", "codec": "h264", "format": "mp4", "width": 720},
{"target": "", "codec": "h264", "format": "mp4", "width": 480}
Name | Type | Description |
error | String | Can be ok or error |
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Zod58 LAB6MFqa2M2H5FTif8Zuo1Y8EortVGpNfyQuyoET9Ea9QQLgADQJWFNZr1CSuMSkskE4s5TMVzRK6wcCwU92AaMT9maZGwvvArwtBReb6sFoVk4fEub9CGTNnRpZsTqT9RVFoRcvURg2H96T7iCdapxxjTQzZCdUjRswG5nf65PAjapZHPbuPADdD9XmvHkgJXRUVzzWWiw8E6DyiVyJGdNkWDCZLBuB95RzrDyg1r9c5s4meJsR7RDDmXtmA9TmSMGgmFiJt7RuGMJYW7ckEgutn2AP35htqKNBgj59JMYPUpisqn" \
-X POST -d @- << EOF
"uuid": "05srtdgnah4kmlleejfg56dbos"
Delete a new job and refunds any remaining stake (if applicable).
Jobs currently transcoding cannot be deleted.
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | String | Job id to delete |
Name | Type | Description |
error | String | Can be ok or error |
Error Codes
Error | Description |
invalid_job | Job does not exist |
job_in_progress | Job is already running |
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Zod58 LAB6MFqa2M2H5FTif8Zuo1Y8EortVGpNfyQuyoET9Ea9QQLgADQJWFNZr1CSuMSkskE4s5TMVzRK6wcCwU92AaMT9maZGwvvArwtBReb6sFoVk4fEub9CGTNnRpZsTqT9RVFoRcvURg2H96T7iCdapxxjTQzZCdUjRswG5nf65PAjapZHPbuPADdD9XmvHkgJXRUVzzWWiw8E6DyiVyJGdNkWDCZLBuB95RzrDyg1r9c5s4meJsR7RDDmXtmA9TmSMGgmFiJt7RuGMJYW7ckEgutn2AP35htqKNBgj59JMYPUpisqn" \
-X POST -d @- << EOF
"uuid": "05srtdgnah4kmlleejfg56dbos"
"error": "ok",
"job": {...}
Get job by uuid.
Name | Type | Description |
error | String | Can be ok or error |
job | String | Job details |
Account Onchain
This API is to manage your account and ZOD tokens on NEAR.
ZOD follows the NEP-141 standard. ZOD token balances are denominated to the yocto (exponent 24).
These examples may use the near-cli ( to make calls.
npm install -g near-cli
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near call --amount 100.1 zodtv.near mint '{"expected_tokens": "100"}' --accountId $ACCOUNT --gas 300000000000000
This function attaches 100.1 NEAR to mint ZOD, with slippage set to get at least 100 ZOD tokens. This function call fails if the amount of ZOD tokens allocated will be less than the expected_tokens and the attached NEAR is refunded.
ZOD is minted based on the current price of NEAR and the total minted, the more minted ZOD there is the less every future mint provides. More details on
The ZOD tokens minted.
node << EOF
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
async function go() {
const args_base64 = Buffer.from('{}').toString('base64')
const params = {account_id: "zodtv.near", method_name: "mint_status",
request_type: "call_function", finality: "final", "args_base64": args_base64}
const json_args = {jsonrpc: "2.0", id: "1", method: "query", params: params}
const fetch_args = {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(json_args),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
const response = await fetch("", fetch_args);
const {result} = await response.json();
const mint_status = JSON.parse((new TextDecoder()).decode(new Uint8Array(result.result)))
"total_minted": "3120000000000000000000000000",
"level": "0",
"near_price": "6000000000000000000000000",
"zod_price": "10000000000000000000000"
This function returns the current status of the ZOD mint contract.
This example shows how to use the NEAR MAINNET RPC api to query contract state instead of near-cli.
- total_minted is 3120 Zod
- level is 0
- near_price is $6.00
- zod_price is $0.01
Name | Type | Description |
total_minted | u128 | Total ZOD minted from contract |
level | u128 | Distribution level |
near_price | u128 | Current price of near that the contract has |
zod_price | u128 | Current price of ZOD from minting |
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near view --accountId $ACCOUNT zod.near ft_balance_of '{"account_id": "'$ACCOUNT'"}'
Check the ZOD token balance of any account.
ZOD token balance.
Account Offchain
This API is to manage your account offchain.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Zod58 LAB6MFqa2M2H5FTif8Zuo1Y8EortVGpNfyQuyoET9Ea9QQLgADQJWFNZr1CSuMSkskE4s5TMVzRK6wcCwU92AaMT9maZGwvvArwtBReb6sFoVk4fEub9CGTNnRpZsTqT9RVFoRcvURg2H96T7iCdapxxjTQzZCdUjRswG5nf65PAjapZHPbuPADdD9XmvHkgJXRUVzzWWiw8E6DyiVyJGdNkWDCZLBuB95RzrDyg1r9c5s4meJsR7RDDmXtmA9TmSMGgmFiJt7RuGMJYW7ckEgutn2AP35htqKNBgj59JMYPUpisqn" \
-X POST -d @- << EOF
"error": "ok",
"bonus": "1000000000000000000000000",
"balance": "3200000000000000000000000",
"spent": "200000000000000000000000",
Your offchain balances.
- bonus balance 1.0 ZOD
- balance 3.2 ZOD
- spent 0.2 ZOD
Name | Type | Description |
error | String | Can be ok or error |
bonus | String | Your bonus balance (guest accounts / promotions), this balance cannot be sent onchain. |
balance | String | Your total balance locked onchain. |
spent | String | Your total balance spent. |
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Zod58 LAB6MFqa2M2H5FTif8Zuo1Y8EortVGpNfyQuyoET9Ea9QQLgADQJWFNZr1CSuMSkskE4s5TMVzRK6wcCwU92AaMT9maZGwvvArwtBReb6sFoVk4fEub9CGTNnRpZsTqT9RVFoRcvURg2H96T7iCdapxxjTQzZCdUjRswG5nf65PAjapZHPbuPADdD9XmvHkgJXRUVzzWWiw8E6DyiVyJGdNkWDCZLBuB95RzrDyg1r9c5s4meJsR7RDDmXtmA9TmSMGgmFiJt7RuGMJYW7ckEgutn2AP35htqKNBgj59JMYPUpisqn" \
-X POST -d @- << EOF
"error": "ok",
"bonus": "1000000000000000000000000",
"balance": "3200000000000000000000000",
"spent": "200000000000000000000000",
Sync your onchain balance forcefully if its out of sync for some reason.
Response is same to balance endpoint.